




Summary of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Poland

Poland is a low prevalence country, with stable epidemiological situation. As from the start of the study in 1985 until 30 November 2022, a total of 29 676 HIV infections were detected in Poland (taking into account data corrections and updates, including the elimination of double-registered cases). Each year the Country reports approximately one thousand new HIV infections.


In almost half of the reports (48.5%), no likely route of infection was provided.


AIDS cases   3 979
deaths due to AIDS   1 465


Data from NIZP – PZH reports www.pzh.gov.pl


Poland has been among the first countries of Central and Eastern Europe to offer a wide and free access to diagnostics, antiretroviral treatment and care for people living with HIV/AIDS.
At present antiretroviral program ART is available in all regions of Poland. The program is run in 22 Polish hospitals and medical units.


The ART is financed since 2001, within the framework of the governmental health policy program “Antiretroviral treatment of people living with HIV in Poland”



National Aids Centre Agenda of the Ministry of Health All Rights Reserved 2019

KRAJOWE CENTRUM DS. AIDS Agenda Ministra Zdrowia

Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 2022


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